壮观 - 20台笔记本同时升级Windows 7

2009/5/4 9:39:57    编辑:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字体:【

Win7之家www.win7china.com):壮观 - 20台笔记本同时升级Windows 7

 想不想看看20台笔记本同时从XP升级到Windows 7的壮观景象?微软日前在Microsoft Management Summit(微软管理人员峰会)上展示了此项壮举。他们通过无线网络控制20台笔记本,使用User State Migration Toolkit工具将这20台笔记本在15分钟内升级到了Windows 7!而每台机器上都有4GB左右的用户数据。很惊人吧?



 ( Microsoft Management Summit 2009 Keynote Demo )


Joey happened to be walking through building 44 and met the team putting together the demos for day 2 of the Microsoft Management Summit. What they are planning is pretty exciting, where they are going to wake up 20 laptop through wireless and the using User State Migration Toolkit, show how you can migrate all the laptops from XP to Windows 7 in about 15mins.