Win7之后 - 微软将带来更自然的用户界面

2009/4/26 12:08:49    编辑:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字体:【

Win7之家之后 - 微软将带来更自然的用户界面

 随着Microsoft Surface技术的不断进步和Windows 7的临近,微软已经开始试图改变目前的人机交互系统。雷德蒙软件巨头一直在关注更为自然的用户界面,称之为natural user interfaces(缩写NUI),一款超越鼠标和键盘的全新界面。通过Windows 7和支持多点触摸特性的硬件,微软已经开始以虚拟化的形式测试此界面。但微软提出的NUI概念远不止是一台计算机这么简单,Microsoft Surface正在将任意表面变成一台触摸电脑。

Dane Storrusten,微软Surface团队首席设计师称:“想象一下,身边的任何东西其实都是一台触摸电脑,只不过平时是隐藏的,无缝整合进了我们的生活中。想想科幻电影中的情节,用户可以通过操作改变周围的世界,其实那些并不难实现。”

下面的2段视频是微软在CHI 2009大会上展示的未来概念的操作方式,一起来看看吧!



With the advent of Microsoft Surface and the upcoming Windows 7 operating system, Microsoft is attempting to redefine the human-computer interaction paradigm. The Redmond company has constantly increased the focus on natural user interfaces, and the evolution of existing computing interaction models beyond the now traditional mouse and keyboard. With Windows 7 and accompanying touch-capable hardware, the software giant can plant the seeds for NUI to become virtually ubiquitous. But at the same time, the natural user interfaces are about much more than the personal computer, or devices. Microsoft Surface is in this regard a prelude to every surface becoming a touch-computer.