运用内置工具 - 检测Win 7系统健康状况

2009/4/19 11:44:20    编辑:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字体:【

Win7之家www.win7china.com):运用内置工具 - 检测Win 7系统健康状况

 身边的很多笔记本用户都很关心自己本本的电池寿命,如果想知道Windows 7下电源的使用情况的话,那么其实7本来就内置有一款工具用于检测能源利用和提供建议。

*输入powercfg -energy -output \Folder\En Energy_Report.html并回车




Have a laptop and want to get more battery life out of it? Windows 7 includes a hidden, built-in tool that will examine your laptop's energy use and make recommendations on how to improve it. To do it: