Windows 7 Build 7068在ebay上出售

2009/4/11 11:33:48    编辑:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字体:【

Win7之家 7 Build 7068在ebay上出售

 或许是因为Windows 7 Beta Build 7000的官方下载太多了,再加上众多的泄露版本,大概已经有人从中窥到了商机,免费的微软软件谁不想用呢?

目前在国外著名网上购物平台ebay上已经出现了Windows 7 Build 7068的DVD商品,包括32和64位版本,只需4.45澳元。




The wide availability of Windows 7, be it from official Microsoft channels (the Beta Build 7000), or through various illegal third-parties (the pre-Release Candidate builds), has managed to encourage schemes to turn over a profit from the bits offered for free by the Redmond company.