
2009/3/31 13:15:53    编辑:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字体:【


 几天前,我们曾报道国外著名调研机构Gartner认为企业用户无需等待Windows  7 SP1再升级。此前,出于兼容性、稳定性和可靠性方面的考虑,企业一般会在SP1发布后再升级到新系统。

而Gartner再次向正在对Windows  7犹豫不决的企业提出建议,建议他们最晚不能晚于2012年部署Windows 7。因为根据市场分析机构的数据,尽管Windows XP的安全更新会一直持续到2014年4月14日,但软硬件厂商显然不会向微软这么有耐心,随着Windows XP的市场份额越来越少,对其技术支持肯定也会逐渐减少。

Gartner称“跳过Vista直接升级到Windows 7将会给企业带来不小的压力,毕竟两个系统在内核和操作方式习惯上都是不同的。但企业必须早做决定,制定好相应计划并在2009年年内做好准备工作。绝大多数跳过Vista的厂商都考虑在Windows  7 RC发布时开始进行兼容性测试。”

而根据Software Assurance(软件保障计划),微软也会向企业提供部署和自动安装工具帮助用户升级。



For organizations still running Windows XP, Gartner advises that migrations should already be in deployment ahead of 2012, a date which the market analysis firm sees as synonymous with support from hardware and software vendors shrinking considerably for Windows XP. Microsoft still plans to support XP with security updates until April 14, 2014, but Gartner warns that hardware and software manufacturers will not be as loyal to the operating system as the Redmond company. And in the context in which XP's market share will evaporate, support is bound to follow.