Windows 7 Build 7048截图泄露,RC?

2009/3/2 16:38:58    编辑:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字体:【

Win7之家 7 Build 7048截图泄露,RC?

 有关Windows 7 Beta的热潮可以说是过去了,但是各种RC的传言又纷至沓来了。此前曾有文章称Windows 7 Build 7048将会是RC版本,就在外界纷纷猜测Windows 7 Build 7048到底是否存在时,微软再次泄露了该版本的图片。



After the fake news that Windows 7 Build 7048 may be the version for release candidate (RC), when in actual the build 7048 doesn’t exist yet, Microsoft has finally assembled Windows 7 Build 7048, on February 19, 2009, 6:45 PM. However, it’s still unclear whether Windows 7 Build 7048 will be the RC build, or RC Escrow build, although there has been several obvious changes to the build.