Asus Eee PC - 流畅运行Windows 7

2009/2/19 12:15:49    编辑:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字体:【

Win7之家 Eee PC - 流畅运行Windows 7

 很多人都已经参与了Windows 7 Beta Build 7000的测试,发现安装过程跟Vista很相似,只是快了点,一般从选择语言到第一次启动只要20分钟左右,但这仅仅是针对普通PC或笔记本而言,如果在Netbook上安装的话,过程可能要长一点。

Justin Zarb,微软英国的一名工程师日前在一台Asus Eee PC上安装了Windows 7 Beta,整个安装过程耗时1.5小时,而从使用情况看来微软确实做到了此前的承诺---Windows 7可以在Netbooks上流畅运行。

Zarb引用该机器机主的话说:“预装的Linux根本没法用,看起来还可以,但真正用起来才发现啥都不能做。”因此,他就格掉了预装的Linux,抱着试试看的态度安装了Windows 7 Beta。16G硬盘,1G内存运行Windows 7 Beta毫不含糊。

Zarb采用了U盘安装的方式在1.5小时内装好了Windows 7,而所有驱动都是默认安装完毕的,没有任何问题,性能上也过得去,如果能升级一下配置的话,那简直要飞起来了。


Testers that have already had a chance to play around with Windows 7, via the public Beta Build 7000 releases, know that installing the operating system is a process similar to what Windows Vista brought to the table, only faster. Deploying Windows 7 takes no more than 20 minutes from the time users select the platform's language to the first boot, but only on fully-fledged PCs and laptops. When it comes down to netbooks (sub-notebooks), things are a tad different, as the install can last over 1.5 hours.