微软可能不会提供Windows 7-XP降级权

2009/2/14 0:53:35    编辑:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字体:【

Win7之家www.win7china.com):微软可能不会提供Windows 7-XP降级权

 曾经困扰Vista得难题或许要在Windows 7身上重现了,近日有分析师指出,Windows 7得降级权将会非常非常重要,但他表示情况并不乐观,微软很有可能不会继续为用户提供Windows XP。



“我们很肯定微软会提供Windows 7-Vista降级权,但是否会提供降级到XP,很难说。”而如果微软不提供得话,将来用户就只能在Vista和Windows 7之间选择了,其实两兄弟当家,也未免不是件好事。


Downgrade rights for Windows 7 will be "hugely important," an analyst said today, but he's not optimistic that Microsoft Corp. will let users continue to install Windows XP on new machines.

Microsoft has yet to reveal its plans for "downgrades" from Windows 7, the in-development successor to Vista, noted Michael Silver, an analyst at Gartner Inc. But the issue is just as important for Windows 7 as it has been for Vista.
