UMPC上成功运行Windows 7 Beta

2009/2/1 11:00:37    编辑:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字体:【

Win7之家上成功运行Windows 7 Beta

也许这款系统不会像XP一样辉煌,但至少Windows 7比它短命的前任要好得多。而Windows 7用户也一直不停地在测试测试再测试,不断挑战系统的极限。系统要求低是吧?看看到底能有多低。日前,就有用户在一台Amtek U560 UMPC上装上了Windows 7 Beta,那么到底这款机器的配置是怎样的呢?一起来看看!

CPU:Intel pre-Atom A100 600Mhz




It may not be quite the all purpose OS that Windows XP has become, but Windows 7 is certainly proving to at least be a good deal more versatile than its immediate predecessor, and folks just can't seem to stop testing its limits. One of the latest to be put through the wringer is the Amtek U560 UMPC, which is based on a pre-Atom A100 processor that clocks in at a mere 600MHz. Despite that, however, and the system's paltry 512MB RAM, the UMPC seems to have been more than up to the task, with it snagging a passable Windows 7 Experience Index rating of 1.2. Head on past the break to check it out in action.