
2010/2/10 0:02:15    编辑:软媒 - 笨笨     字体:【


这是一篇来之不易的文章,这篇文章在MSDN的博客上面活了不久,就被微软删除了。这篇文章的原始名字叫《A Different Perspective : Whats in store for the next Windows?》,是微软Windows Update部门的一位先生发于1月31日的文章。




A Different Perspective : Whats in store for the next Windows?

31 January 2010

One of the great (or maybe not so great) things of being at Microsoft is that every other person wants to ask you why Windows works the way it does. Since I'm part of the Windows update team I get asked even more why does my machnie reboot everytime there is an update and why are there so many updates. So naturally once Windows7 shipped, my friends, neighbours, relatives, and whoever else you can imagine started asking me So whats next?

身为微软人感觉最爽的是其他人总会来问我Windows的话题,作为Windows Update团队的一员,我经常被问到很多问题,例如为啥电脑打个补丁更新下就要重启,为什么Windows总有那么多更新补丁。当Windows7问世的时候,我的朋友、邻居和亲戚们和张三李四都来问我下个版本的Windows会是啥样。

Folks started asking me whats in Windows 8 - and the first thing I have to say is that I resonate Steven Sinofsky's interview on who said we're calling it Windows 8? I agree with Steven that till things are baked there is no point floating ideas since it leaves people frustrated when things don't turn out the way they expected. The Windows team promised to deliver a smarter, faster and more user friendly OS with Windows 7 and they delivered just that - the latest quaterly results of Microsoft are a clear indication that Windows 7 has been a success and customers got what Microsoft had promised them! The plan is to use a similar approach for the next version of Windows and till things are finalized you're not going to get a "marketing" name from us:)

他们来问我Win8到底是什么,我首先想说的是,我深切赞同史蒂芬·西诺夫斯基专访时(点击查看专访)的那个见解——谁说下一代Windows的名字就是Windows 8?在一切没有浮出水面之前,所谓的名字这一切都是镜中花,水中月。Windows团队承诺会给大家一个更智能、更快速、更友好的Windows操作系统,他们确实在Windows7上做到了。最新的财报也清楚的显示Windows7是个史上最热卖的操作系统,微软的承诺实现了。目前为止,无从获知下个版本的系统名字是否叫Windows8

So how am I referring to the next version of Windows without saying that many words - well simple - This is definitely not the official version but a version that is becoming common along my circle. So what are our plans for this next version...

所以,下一代的Windows很简单,先称之为 比较合适,这个当然不是官方版本的名字,只不过在我的周围同事圈子里习惯这么叫着,好吧,来说说我们对下个版本的Windows的一些计划。

The minimum that folks can take for granted is that the next version will be something completly different from what folks usually expect of Windows - I am simply impressed with the process that Steven has setup to listen to our customers needs and wants and get a team together than can make it happen. To actually bring together dozens and dozens of teams across Microsoft to come up with a vision for is a process that is surreal! The themes that have been floated truly reflect what people have been looking for years and it will change the way people think about PCs and the way they use them. It is the future of PCs...


Thats about it for this post for the time being - I know I'm not sharing much at this point but right now I can't as we work towards finalizing that vision. Feel free to post your comments on what you think should be like!
