Windows 7 - Vista 2.0还是XP杀手?

2009/1/21 0:15:06    编辑:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字体:【

Win7之家 7 - Vista 2.0还是XP杀手?


但毫无疑问,当我们转向WIndows 7时,一切又变得不同了。Windows 7 Beta内的一些代码是我这几年见过的最棒的。同时,Windows 7 Beta也备受推崇,可靠性强,与现有软硬件的兼容性好。而最关键的,其带来的改变,虽然并不都是革命性的改变,但至少,在一台可以运行XP而无法运行Vista的机器上,WIndows 7的表现不会比XP差。主要问题是,从XP升级到WIndows 7的话,用户需要付出一笔开支以购买新的软硬件设备。

此外,Windows 7还需要经受实际使用中安全性的考验。不知改进后的UAC是否会带来安全性上的损失。

那么,现有的XP和Vista用户对Windows 7的态度如何?目前为止,所有的反馈都是积极的。


To answer this question we need to go back in time a few years and look at why Windows Vista got the bad reputation that it did. Rather than rehash the whole debacle, I think that the main issue comes down to the RTM release being plagued by performance and compatibility issues that took Microsoft a good year to fully address. By that time the early adopters had made their mind up about the OS, made sure plenty of people knew how they felt, and that sealed the fate of the OS.