Win7之家(微软推出Office2010/2007游戏:Ribbon Hero
微软推出了Ribbon Hero for Office 2010 / Office 2007的下载。这个Ribbon Hero 是款游戏,但是怎么又会和Office沾上边呢?
Ribbon Hero 到底是啥?
“Ribbon Hero is a game for Word, PowerPoint, and Excel 2007 and 2010, designed to help you boost your Office skills and knowledge. Play games (aka "challenges"), score points, and compete with your friends while improving your productivity with Office. As a concept test, this add-in is not supported, but is an opportunity for you to try out an idea we are working on and let us know what you think. For additional challenges and the opportunity to earn more points, download Office 2010 Beta,” reads the description from Microsoft Office Labs.
从上面可以看出,Ribbon Hero 是一个为Word、PowerPoint、Excel 的2010和2007版本开发的一款游戏,旨在帮助您提升您的Office使用技能和知识。通过玩游戏(或称为“挑战”),获得积分,并与朋友竞争,同时提高您的办公效率。作为一个概念测试产品,这个插件不提供官方技术支持,但是建议您尝鲜一下并让我们知道您的一些想法——微软Office实验室。
微软Ribbon Hero游戏官方网页:
可以在官方网页看到很多的演示视频 :)
微软Ribbon Hero游戏官方下载:点击此处
系统需求:Vista or Windows7 (32/64 bit), Office 2007 or Office 2010 (32/64 bit)
版本限制: English only, Works with Word, Excel, and PowerPoint only, Does not support versions of Office earlier than Office 2007
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