Win7之家( SP1 来了!需修改注册表升级
微软正在准备发布Windows 7 SP1和Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1。一家第三方新闻网站报道称,微软已经开始准备推出首个Win7 SP1的外部测试版。
据WithinWindows网站报道,微软将按照Beta版服务包的发布惯例(就是同Vista一样)推出Windows 7 SP1 Beta。因此,微软将开始测试各版Windows 7操作系统,以鉴定适合测试Windows 7 SP1 Beta的版本。测试人员可以通过Windows更新服务(需要添加注册表)提供的Windows 7 SP1 Beta测试下载工具下载新版本。
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Win7SP1
测试者需要写入一个REG_SZ值 SPORTM (本键值的实际内容随后确认后公布)
Windows7之家刚刚发了一个图文说明:《Win7 SP1 修改注册表升级的说明事项》。
截止发稿前,微软官方尚未确认已经向外部测试者发布Windows 7 SP1 Beta。
据悉,微软公司于去年7月底正式完成Windows7的开发。2009年7月22日,Windows 7 RTM和Windows Server 2008 R2 RTM正式发布。因此,微软早在2009年10月22日之前就已经开始开发Win7 SP1。
Windows 7 SP1 Is Cooking, External Testing Build Coming
Microsoft is gearing up for an important stage in the testing of its first major update to the latest iteration of the Windows client. The Redmond company traditionally releases the first Service Pack for a new Windows OS approximately one year after the platform was finalized, and is currently cooking SP1 for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. A third-party report indicates that the software giant has started preparing Windows 7 copies for the delivery of the first external testing development milestone of Windows 7 SP1.
According to WithinWindows, Microsoft is following the same strategy for Windows 7 as for previous Beta service pack rollouts outside of Redmond. In this regard, the company began enabling a check within Windows 7 operating systems, which would qualify the respective versions as candidates for testing the SP1 Beta. The process involves refreshes served through Windows Update in order to add a registry key as well as an associated value which will permit members in the Windows 7 SP1 Beta testing pool to download the new bits.
Here is the Key added to Windows 7 RTM machines: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Win7SP1 and this is the value coming with it SPORTM (REG_SZ). At the time of this article, Microsoft had yet to either confirm or deny the fact that external tester had been approached for Win7 SP1 Beta testing.
Don’t be deceived by the fact that Windows 7 was released on October 22nd, 2009, when attempting to calculate when SP1 will be delivered for the operating system. Fact is that Microsoft finalized Windows 7 at the end of July. It was on July 22nd that Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 were released to manufacturing, plenty of time for the software giant to start working on the first service pack for the latest versions of the Windows client and server platforms.
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