各大BT下载站用户对Windows 7极其满意

2009/1/1 13:37:45    编辑:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字体:【

Win7之家www.win7china.com):各大BT下载站用户对Windows 7极其满意

 Windows 7 Beta并非只在IT专业人士中形成了一大热潮,在普通用户中,也是反响强烈。对于一款离正式发布尚远的系统用而言,很多人都将Windows 7 Beta评价为“高质量”作品。这并不意味着这个版本已经完美了,但至少问题会很少。

在各大BT下载网站,有关Windows 7 Beta也是好评如潮。同时,这也是个免费使用微软最新系统的好机会。相信微软也不会将这部分用户的意见排除在外,毕竟这些用户将会为Windows 7提供大量反馈。


“我刚买了一台全新ASUS G71G-A2,驱动完整。装完Windows 7后,几乎所有的Vista驱动都能正常工作。CS 4,Office 2007,蓝光光驱全部可以运行。另外,我的电脑有6G内存,而系统居然可以完全识别。这将会是我的首选系统,我等不及正式版的发布了。。”

“刚刚在Acer 8930G 上安装成功,所有软件/驱动工作正常。”
“我刚安装好并在一台只有512MB内存的Dell Latitude D600 流畅运行。。。”

The beta release of Windows 7 isn’t just a hit with professional reviewers. It’s also getting a strong response among ordinary users – albeit ones who don’t represent Microsoft’s customer base.

As Jonathan Schaffler wrote a couple of days ago, the beta edition of Vista’s successor has been described by some reporters as “excellent quality”, to the point that it could even be released immediately. That doesn’t mean it’s perfect, but that any problems would be minor enough that Microsoft could live with any criticism.

The system is also getting strong reviews from users of leading torrent site, where the system is available to (illegally) download. Now it’s worth remembering this specific audience is slightly different to the overall Windows user base. First, these people are keen enough to download a system which has no promise of stability, suggesting they are much more experimental and able to deal with problems than the average user.
