Win7 Beta MSDN下载和SHA1值泄露

2008/12/30 13:57:59    编辑:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字体:【

Win7之家 Beta MSDN下载和SHA1值泄露

 正当微软紧锣密鼓地准备预计在2009年初发布的Windows 7 Beta公众版本时,此版本已经通过官方和第三方资源泄露到了网上。

现在在各大网站都可以看到Windows 7 Beta Build 6.1.7000.0.081212-1400 DVD ISO的下载。而此前,微软曾给部分测试者发放了Windows 7 Beta,因此,Windows 7 Beta的MSDN和TechNet的下载链接也都被泄露了出来。;

不幸的是,写这篇文章的时候,该链接已经无法访问了。不过,好在有Google和Live Search的网页快照,我们依然可以看到链接。

“首先你必须通过登陆Windows Live以获取产品密钥和下载地址。如果登陆后下载选项为灰色,这表示你的订阅者身份或数据不符合要求,或者是由于法律和地区限制,或者是系统和浏览器不支持。”微软透露称。

在MSDN和TechNet上至少有6个有关Windows 7的下载:
7000.0.081212-1400_client_localpacks-gb1lclpckcfre_dvd_all.0.       99.39 MB 
7000.0.081212-1400_amd64fre_client_en-us-gb1cxlp_en_dvd_all.0  302.58 MB
7000.0.081212-1400_client_en-us_ultimate-gb1culfre_en_dvd_all.0  2,497.48 MB (真正的Windows 7 Beta)
7000.0.081212-1400_x86fre_client_lip_hi-in-gb1clip_hi_dvd_all.0      41.94 MB
7000.0.081212-1400_x86fre_client_en-us-gb1clp_en_dvd_all.0         186.05 MB
7000.0.081212-1400_client_localpacks-gb1lclpckcxfre_dvd_all.0       99.39 MB
发布时间:2008.12.28 2:41:15 PM

SHA1:6071184282B2156FF61CDC5260545C078CCA31EE and ISO/CRC:aaba5a48.


While Microsoft is gearing up for the public Beta of Windows 7, planned for early 2009, the development milestone is already available for download from both the Redmond company and from third-party sources offering the leaked bits.

Windows 7 Beta Build 6.1.7000.0.081212-1400 has been leaked and ended up as an ISO DVD on top torrent websites and popular pirated content repositories, but fact is that the leak followed the official downloads offered by the software giant. Windows 7 Beta Build 7000 was initially released to a select pool of Microsoft testers, but also made available via the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) and TechNet.

Leaked copies of Windows 7 Beta Build 7000 came accompanied by links pointing to MSDN and TechNet, revealing the intimate connection between the pirated versions of the operating system's first beta testing milestone and the Redmond company's portal for developers. These are the links in full:;

However, at the time this article was being written the pages were no longer accessible, although they were live on December 28, 2008. Still, thanks to the Google and Live Search caches, their details are still available, as you can very well see from the adjacent screenshots.