XP不死?Windows 7,XP杀手?

2008/12/20 12:24:26    编辑:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字体:【

Win7之家www.win7china.com):XP不死?Windows 7,XP杀手?




小编:这一现象其实与Netbook本身的定位有关,Nebook本来就定位于低端市场,只为满足用户上网办公所需,一般配置都较低,运行Vista肯定会很吃力,而linux又不熟悉,此时XP正是最好的选择。但随着Windows 7的到来,如果真能做到宣传中的高效的话,我想大概Windows 7也就会接管上网本市场,成为XP杀手了。


The netbook market may become yet another boost to the ‘XP won’t die’ phenomenon. Four leading producers say the system is proving far more popular then expected, at the notable expense of Linux.

Australian site IT Wire reports both Acer and Toshiba as saying more than 90 percent of their netbook sales are for models running Windows XP. Dell didn’t give figures but said it was along the same proportions as the Windows-Linux split in its laptops.

Today Asus, the company which introduced the netbook (and originally had it as a Linux-only device) also says XP is taking over. That’s partly down to Windows netbooks not being available at launch, but the firm reports “the shift now is more towards Windows due to customer demand for Windows XP being that consumers are more familiar with the Windows platform”.