【软媒编译】赢取一份Windows 7 Ultimate光盘和T恤

2009/6/13 14:15:28    编辑:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字体:【

Win7之家www.win7china.com):【软媒编译】赢取一份Windows 7 Ultimate光盘和T恤

 微软日前为普通用户提供了一次赢取免费Windows 7  Ultimate光盘和Windows 7 T恤的机会。Stephen L Rose, Windows IT Pro客户端经理透露,用户只需参加一次简单的调查即可获得此机会。


在回答完简单的7个问题之后,用户就有机会可以获得一份免费Windows 7  Ultimate光盘和Windows 7 T恤,而且这次微软并未宣布有任何人数限制。同时,参与调查者还必须填写E-mail和国家名称,也就是说,此次活动是在全球范围内开展的。



Microsoft is offering users a chance to win a free copy of Windows 7 Ultimate as well as a Windows 7 T-shirt. Stephen L Rose, Sr community manager, Windows IT Pro Client, revealed that all that users needed to do was to fill out a short survey. The Redmond company has already put