【软媒编译】A-DATA's NH92 - 全球最薄的移动硬盘

2009/6/9 14:18:30    编辑:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字体:【

Win7之家www.win7china.com):【软媒编译】A-DATA's NH92 - 全球最薄的移动硬盘


A-DATA,这个名字可能大家不是太熟悉,不过换成中文应该就都知道了,威刚,日前发布了一款号称全球最薄的移动硬盘产品,只有12毫米厚,重 5.36盎司。内含2.5英寸硬盘,大小从250GB到500GB不等,外壳样色也是亮丽多彩,并带有金属光泽,看起来似乎是铝制的。有兴趣的可以关注一 下。


Unfortunately for mankind, we can't say we've kept a running tally of dimensions for portable hard drives. Thus, it's hard for us to actually prove or refute A-DATA's claims that its NH92 is indeed the slimmest portable HDD this world has ever seen.