【软媒编译】向微软学习 - Adobe今夏起拟推例行更新

2009/5/21 14:18:08    编辑:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字体:【

Win7之家www.win7china.com):【软媒编译】向微软学习 - Adobe今夏起拟推例行更新

 前些日子发现的PD漏洞大家都知道吧,其实Adobe Reader发现漏洞估计大家都不奇怪了。不过这次的PDF漏洞确实比较严重,Adobe公司也相当重视。今天,Adobe发表声明称将尽量定期发布漏洞补丁,保证漏洞在被黑客利用前就补上。



Following a series of high-profile attacks that leveraged security vulnerabilities in its PDF Reader and Acrobat applications, Adobe Systems Inc. is making a major push to revamp its approach to security. The company said today that it plans to ship security updates more regularly and push out emergency updates more speedily, and that it will be continually stress-testing those products to find and close security holes before hackers can exploit them.