Office 2010将同步支持XP、Vista和Win7

2009/5/13 9:06:37    编辑:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字体:【

Win7之家 2010将同步支持XP、Vista和Win7

 微软目前正在努力开始Office 2007的继任者 - Office 2010,开发代号Office 14。此前,还有人担心,微软是否会将Office 2010限定为Windows 7专用的Office软件,不过现在可以放心了,Office团队主管,Reed Shaffner澄清了这一点,并确认Office 2010将支持Windows XP SP3、Vista和Windows 7。

Shaffner说:“大家不必担心需要更换硬件或者系统来运行Office 2010。只要能运行Office 2007的机器就能运行Office 2010,就跟Windows 7一样。”

其实,想想也可以预见了,微软怎么舍得让Office这颗摇钱树只在Windows 7上掉钱呢?


Microsoft is currently hard at work building the next iteration of the Office System. Labeled Office 2010 and formerly codenamed Office 14, the successor of Office 2007 will be designed to play nice not only with the next version of the Windows client, but also with its precursors, namely Windows Vista and Windows XP (Service Pack 3), reveals  Reed Shaffner, Office TPM. At the same time, Office 2010 will come in both 32-bit and 64-bit flavors, set up to adapt to the respective architecture of the underlying Windows platform.
