Win7之家(为Windows 7的右键菜单添加加密按钮
从Vista开始,微软就引入了Bit Lock的加密功能,而在Windows 7中,这一功能更是升级为了Bit Lock TO GO,那么,是否想过在右键菜单中加入“加密”按钮呢?
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
*文件 - 另存为 - 所有文件 - Encrypy.reg
PS:如果出现错误,将上面复制内容中的引号去掉,再手动加上引号。Windows 7优化大师也将在后续加入此功能。
You can encrypt and decrypt files or folders in Windows by right clicking on it, choose “Properties”, then click on the “Advanced” button followed by checking on the “Encrypt” checkbox. However, it has involved quite a few clicks toward encrypting the file or folder. Have you ever wonder how can you able to simplify the encrypt or decrypt process in right click context menu instead of going through these hassle steps?
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