
2009/5/11 10:44:20    编辑:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字体:【


 有关Windows 7中Windows Media Player的在线媒体播放功能,大家可能用得比较少。其实,这是一个相当人性化的功能。(参见:在Win 7中通过网络播放其他电脑上的音乐)日前,国外有用户专门赞扬了此功能:

“这功能用得越多,印象就越深刻。现在看来,Windows 7中的这项功能确实很智能。我发现至少有一点是这样,所播放内容的比特率是根据网速自动调节的。根据测试,我发现,如果是以网线连接到路由,那么比特率在2000左右;而如果是通过802.11n无线连接,比特率就下降到了1200.“


The more I use WMP secure Internet streaming, the more impressed I become. The empowering technology is obviously very slick and smart. I discovered that the bit rate for streaming is adaptive and adjusts to your connection speed. While I don’t have any technical details or white papers that explain the inner workings, I sense that on the host end, the connection type and speed is auto detected and the bit rate set accordingly.