鲍尔默:Office2010很快发布 支持手机操作

2010/1/24 11:05:39    编辑:软媒 - 笨笨     字体:【

Win7之家www.win7china.com):鲍尔默:Office2010很快发布 支持手机操作

Steve Ballmer: You’ll see the new version of Office, which comes out here in just a couple of months. It not only works on your PC but it will work through any Web browser and down onto the phone in new and rich ways.

史蒂夫·鲍尔默最近在纳什维尔Trevecca Nazarene大学参加技术委员会时透露,Office 2010的发布日期已经非常接近。

查看:Steve Ballmer at Nashville Technology Council