
2010/1/17 9:43:39    编辑:软媒 - 笨笨     字体:【



做过网站的人都知道,就是 Search Engine Optimization 搜索引擎优化的意思。所谓优化,就是指的优化关键字在搜索引擎中的排名。


玩SEO还是有很多技巧的,但是微软竟然涉足这个SEO领域实在让人不可思议。微软刚刚推出了免费的“Microsoft’s SEO Toolkit”专门的SEO工具包。




2、扩大Windows Server 2008 和 IIS 的影响力,服务器操作领域在国外可是Linux的天下。

关于这个SEO工具包,微软说:搜索引擎优化工具包旨在帮助管理员推动更多的流量和收入,提升客户体验。在这个搜索引擎优化解决方案中,唯一的缺点是,它是专为微软的Windows Server服务器系统和IIS工作的,Linux和Apache上是无法运行的。


微软SEO Toolkit 官方网站:点击此处


Free Microsoft SEO Toolkit
Optimized for Google, Bing, Yahoo

Looking for a free search engine optimization toolkit tailored to all the major search engines? Than look no further than Microsoft’s SEO Toolkit, which is designed to allow webmasters and web administrators to adapt their sites to not just Bing, but also Google and Yahoo. In fact, the promise from the Redmond company is that its free SEO toolkit is optimized for Bing, Yahoo and Google. In all fairness, users have already been able to read as well as download the SEO toolkit from Microsoft right here on Softpedia.

However, on January 13, Microsoft kicked off a monthly technology spotlight series, according to Phil Pennington, Windows Server Technical Evangelism. The first item on the technology spotlight series from the software giant is the IIS SEO toolkit.

“The Windows Server 2008 R2 Web Server (Internet Information Services, IIS 7.5) is built with a completely modular architecture on top of rich extensibility APIs. This enables developers to easily add, remove, and even replace built-in IIS components with hand-crafted ones specifically suited for any given Web site. It is now easy to plug code deep into the IIS core pipeline and extend IIS in ways that were previously impossible,” Pennington added.

The promise from Microsoft is that the SEO Toolkit is designed to help webmaster drive additional traffic and revenue, influence and update search engines and boost customer experience. The only downside of the search engine optimization solution is the fact that it is exclusively designed to work with websites that have Windows Server and Internet Information Services at the backend. In this regard, the IIS Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Toolkit is in fact an IIS extension, and as such useless for websites running on top of Linux and Apache.

"The free SEO Toolkit analyzer helps you increase traffic and visitors to your site, and as a result can increase the revenue you directly or indirectly make through your website," notes Scott Guthrie, corporate vice president, Microsoft.