Win7Build 6801也能用上Aero Peek啦!

2008/12/11 9:05:23    编辑:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字体:【

Win7之家 6801也能用上Aero Peek啦!

Vista之家(www.vista123.comWin7Build 6801也能用上Aero Peek啦!

 前几天,有一篇名为“详解Windows 7中的Aero Peek功能”的文章引起了不少人的注意,因为Aero Peek确实是Windows 7中很实用很绚丽的一个功能,但可惜的是好像只是在Windows 7 Build 6956中可以使用。但此前已经有不少安装了Windows 7 Build 6801。那时,就有人问,Windows 7 Build 6801怎么开启Aero Peek?

现在我可以告诉你答案了。Windows 7 Build 6801也是可以开启Aero Peek的,只需下载Blue Badge即可破解这个功能。


 x86   x64


Rafael Rivera and Chris Holmes have been really working their butts off on patching Windows 7 6801 completely, and they have now managed to not only get every feature previously in the utility, but now Aero Peek also, while not even touching system files!

You can download the new version of their "Blue Badge" utility (revision 03) in both x86 and x64 flavors at the source.