【软媒编译】Archos发布 9系列Windows 7平板电脑

2009/6/13 14:14:01    编辑:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字体:【

Win7之家www.win7china.com):【软媒编译】Archos发布 9系列Windows 7平板电脑

 Archos,如果我没记错的话,翻译过来的名字应该是“爱可视”,日前,这家厂商公布了一款名为Archos 9的平板电脑产品,运行的系统为 - Windows 7

从配置上来看,这台搭载9英寸屏幕的平板电脑更像一款Netbook,只是平板化了。Intel Atom Z515 1.2Ghz, 80GB 硬盘,1G内存,蓝牙,摄像头、WI-FI,这样的配置看起来倒是好像UMPC又回来了。Archos官方宣布的发布日期为10月,预装Windows 7,价格为633美元。



Archos attempt to resurrect the UMPC category of devices got off to a good start yesterday in Paris with the launch of its 16-mm thick Archos 9 pctablet -- a 8.9-inch 1024x600 pixel tablet riding an 800MHz or 1.2GHz Atom Z515 processor, 1GB of memory, up to 120GB disk, webcam, Bluetooth 2.1, 802.11b/g WiFi, and SIM card slot for WWAN connectivity.