【软媒编译】以滑动方式打开Windows 7的Jumplists

2009/5/24 11:48:57    编辑:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字体:【

Win7之家www.win7china.com):【软媒编译】以滑动方式打开Windows 7的Jumplists

 一般而言,对于Windows 7用户而言,需要打开某程序的Jumplists(跳转列表)的话,可以通过右键点击该程序的任务栏快捷方式图标的方式来打开。但是对于触摸板、轨迹球(比如Thinkpad的小红帽)和多点触摸用户而言,右键在某种意义上而言并不是太方便(当然,现在的触摸板功能都已经很强大了),有没有简单一点的方法呢?



Normally, to access Jump List of a button in Windows 7 Taskbar, user right clicks on the button on Taskbar, and the Jump List will pop up. But if you’re not using a mouse, such as when using TouchPad pointing device or TrackPoint pointing stick, or pointing your finger to move around the touchscreen monitor, right click may not be too convenient.